Met up with my brother who took me for a ride on his motorcycle. What a rush! I forgot how much of a thrill it is! I totally want a bike now. Which disturbed me a little. It is so unlike me. But then I find myself asking who am I anyway? I sure as hell don't know these days! I seem to be doing a lot of out of character things lately. There was a part of me that just felt free on the bike. I didn't have to be anyone. I could scream, and laugh and just enjoy the ride. The laughs themselves were totally genuine too. Everyone my brother accelerated, the pegs my feet were on would vibrate really hard (understandably so) but it tickled the bottom of my feet through my shoes. It was hilarious, although I'm sure it was one of those you had to be there things.
Hubby got all the christmas lights up already and it looks great! We admired his handiwork for a bit and then had dinner with my brother and his new girlfriend that he only just told me about yesterday. I like her! She is sooo much better than his ex. I really hope it works out. Either way though I have totally made a new friend. She is very sweet, sarcastic, funny, down to earth and sweet with the girls. And she is a photographer and loves Wicked! She is totally approved in my book. I told my brother that this time around he needs to listen to his crazy younger sister because she was the ONLY one that saw through the facade of his ex very early on. She's great. Lol I told him to marry her now so she can't get away :)
*sigh* ok, I've wasted enough time...time to face the music...I hate this part. New therapists are rough...I have to physically fight with myself to give the real answers rather than the answers they watch for to determine if you are ok or not. That talent of mine used to piss my dad off! So many sessions wasted...and it ended up always being me that an adult and the one paying the bill I don't do that as much, but it still goes against my own human nature to protect myself from any possible discomfort that is not directly in my control...
But in the meantime, here is a pic that makes me smile even if I do look really fat :)
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