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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The moment of truth...

It's been a whopping four hours and I'm awake. 30 min till my alarm is scheduled to go off. Last night was fun. Had a good time with some dear friends I haven't seen in awhile. Movie was kind of hard to watch being as how most of it focused around a pregnancy and birth and a love for two men and having to pick only one. That bitch has it all. She marries one and the other continues to be at her side either way. Totally not real life. Let me tell you what really happens. You make your choice, botch it up, then manage to botch the other relationship up and end up with both of them never speaking to you again. What a glutton for punishment I am. Why can't my life be like the movie? Can't I at least pretend? Nope, no I can't. Damn. My world. My reality. Happy. What would make me happy? I dunno anymore...

But I digress, I'm stalling...the moment of truth is the fact that I really don't want to go to therapy this morning. I want to roll over and go back to sleep. I hate new appointments like this. This whole tell me your life story in ten seconds. I know how to give all the "right" answers, but that doesn't help much. After all, I've been in therapy off and on since I was 4.  I want to get better but I don't like this whole make yourself vulnerable to a complete stranger thing...well time to face the music I guess, here goes nothing...

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