Today my students participated in Junior Achievement - Mapping Your Success. I have never participated before so I greatly enjoyed having the opportunity to be a part of it this year. One of the activities was to create a collage of where students want to be in ten years. Being as how I won't be 23 in ten years I bumped the age but decided to follow the same activity for myself. It proved itself to be an eye-opening experience. It might turn out quite the way I would have liked, partially because I always will be a bit neurotic about stuff like that. I learned some interesting things about myself today. For instance, I tend to be drawn more to word phrases, individual words, quotes, and other graphics of a text nature almost more so than pictures. Strange, but true. It morphed into more of a not just where I want to be in ten years but also how I want to feel about myself, things I want to feel about myself now, statements of motivation, etc. I find myself going back to it multiple times already just since creating it just to look at it and ponder more in depth why I made some final selections that I did, what some of the things say about me as a teacher, wife, mom, person, etc.

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